Below are some of my projects with a short description added. Each have a link to a live preview and a link to view the code on GitHub.
You have feedback or questions? Get in touch.
Search and display comic books from MARVEL API.
Clicking one item in the list shows a big image and more info.
Using angular animations to improve the user experience.
Implemented using: Angular 4, Angular CLI, TypeScript, Bootstrap 4
Tested some of the UI animations possible in Angular 4. The purpouse of this project was to learn how to work with the Angular animations module.
Implemented using: Angular 4, Angular CLI, TypeScript, Bootstrap 4
Each time you input a series of button presses correctly, you see the same series of button presses but with an additional step.
You can win the game by getting a series of 20 steps correct.
Implemented using: jquerry, javascript
Performs basic calculations plus square root and pi
Implemented using: jquerry, javascript
Minimal app to show local weather based on your location
Implemented using: jquerry, simpleweather.js, yahoo-weather API
Sortable, searchable list of classical composers
Implemented using: list.js, jquery, skeleton.css
Testing parallax possibilities
Implemented using: jquery
Turned a design made in photoshop to a responsive HTML page
Implemented using: grunt browser-sync, watch, stylus.css, flexbox, jquery